Friday, 6 July 2012

The plan...

If you are wanting to follow along with me - or just follow along to see what torturous things I am doing to myself, then here is week one of my 16 week marathon training program below.

This can be a guide for half marathons too, just make your weekly long runs shorter than my ones will be - like HALF as short!

Just before I put up week one, here is the overall plan...

The FIRST marathon training plan
And here's reminder to go with the plan...

I am doing this program as it is a low mileage plan - exactly what I am wanting for this marathon. And although it only has three days of running it also has two days of cross training of your choice - I will probably bike for mine, plus I am still playing hockey. Then it's up to you what you do with the other two days - I will probably rest like the lazy person I am.

Here is the first week of 16:

Key run #1 (which always consists of speed work/track repeats) is:
3 x 1600m sprints with a 400m Rest Interval (RI).

Key Run #2 (which is always a tempo run) is:
3km (2miles) easy
3km (2miles) at slow tempo
3km (2miles) easy

Key Run #3 (which is always a long run) is:
21km at marathon pace + 19 seconds
(or 13 miles at MP + 30).

I might change up the long runs a little bit as the ones in this plan might not suit me. I think I'll just do about 18km for my first long run since I haven't done a super long run in a while.

My two cross training sessions this week will consist of a 60 min spin class at the gym, a game of hockey and some weight work. Ok, I know that's kinda three but the hockey doesn't really count as part of the plan, it's like an extra perk.

I will always try and put each week's training schedule up one week in advance so if you are following along then you know what you are doing.

Anything else you want to know, feel free to email me or comment on any of the posts :)

Oh, and any locals out there who might like to do some long runs together, let me know, I'd love it! Or even parts of long runs!

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