Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Some nutritional info for the abs challenge...

As this 30 day abs challenge is not all just about doing a gazillion crunches each day but nutritional info and tips as well, today is a little but of advice to help with the 'pooch'...
Day 5. Slim-Down Strategy: Eat Monounsaturated Fats
Dietary fat is one nutrient with a serious image problem: "Fat in food is equated to fat on hips—but it's not the same! Our bodies need certain fats," says Bonnie Taub-Dix, R.D., author of Read It Before You Eat It. Getting the right amounts from the right sources will not only ensure your food doesn't taste like cardboard, but also can help you lose stubborn pounds (yes, you read that correctly).
A study in the journal Diabetes Care found that a diet rich in monounsaturated fats (such as almonds, avocados, and olives) may prevent the accumulation of abdominal fat. "Fat is all about the source it comes from," says Lauren Blaue, R.D., a nutrition coach at Life Time Athletic Club in Minneapolis. Combining fats and carbs in the same meal will keep your blood sugar stable and help you avoid hunger-inducing spikes and dips.
This isn't license to gorge on one ginormous cinnamon roll, though. Spread your fat-carb combos throughout the day: natural nut butter on whole-grain toast in the a.m., olive oil drizzled on your salad at lunch, guac with veggies for a snack. Learn more about good fat versus bad fat and find out how much fat you should be eating.
Rest those abs today, do some cardio as tomorrow has some seriously hard ab exercises that you can have a sneak peak at here

Hopefully after this abs challenge this won't be the story of my life anymore...
True story!

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