Sunday, 19 May 2013

Blog Every Day in May - my fave blogs...

Day 19, Sunday: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them

These are a handful of the blogs I love, but there are a tonne more that I love and read (and they are in no particular order or ranking).

True that - even if they don't realise it!
  1. The very first blog I started to read after I had started my own... Skinny Runner, find her here. This blog is great because she has a good balance of posts about running, fitness and life in general. She is an amazing runner and has lots of great stories and advice about all things running. She inspires me. Thanks SR.
  2. This lady over here at Hungry Runner Girl has an awesome blog. She is an amazingly talented running, aiming to run a 3 hour marathon in the very near future. She has a beautiful baby girl who is 9 months old and is a huge fan of living a healthy and fit life even as a mother. She is very inspirational and encouraging and has some fun posts about running and fitness, food, her bubba and her life. Go check her out!
  3. I have mentioned this lady in other posts but Katy, over at Fit in Heels is one awesome blogger. She is a fitness instructor, she is a Mama, a blogger and just too funny for words. She gives you some food for thought regarding fitness and wellbeing and is well worth a read.
  4. Hanna has a beautiful blog over at Bouffe e Bambini and she has become a daily favourite read for me. She is seriously beautiful and wonderful. She is real about life, crafty, stylish, fit and a wonderful Mama to her three gorgeous children. Her third bubba is the same age as my wee man too which is very cool. Have a read, I dare you!
  5. This last blog, found here at Baking Makes Things Better is a wee bit different to the rest. It's actually my naughty blog. It's all about baking, which is one of my naughty hobbies. I love baking and this website has some awesome recipes as well as ideas for decorating, parties and the like. Super fun and oh so delicious recipes. Have a look if you like to bake and like a treat every now and then :)
That's about all for now, however I have a tonne of other awesome blogs that I follow. You can check them out over on my blog roll. They all have wonderful writers, great tips, advice, recipes and fun stories.

I hope you can go and check out some (or all) of these blogs here and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

What's your favourite blog?

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